Pyramid Solitaire


Game Play

The goal of the game is to remove all the cards from the playing table.

To do this, you click on the face-up cards that are one higher or one lower than the face-up card on the deck (at the top left of the page).  Ace is high and low so you can click queen, king, ace, two three.  If you cannot remove any more cards, click on the face-down card of the deck to turn over a new card.

The more cards you remove from the table in a single turn the more points you score.

The game is over when there are no more cards in the deck and you have no moves left.

Sample Game Board

screenshot Games and Contests

Today's Top 10 Scores
(Reset daily at 12AM EST)

Player Name Score
President DonaldJohnTrump 518
President DonaldJohnTrump 518
President DonaldJohnTrump 451
President DonaldJohnTrump 415
President DonaldJohnTrump 409
President DonaldJohnTrump 407
Globo 346
Globo 346
Globo 316

Hall of Fame

Player Name Score
Pyramid King 1424
justtim7 1324
President DonaldJohnTrump 1294
trumpie2 1153
justtim07 1147
PayDirt 1093
PayDirt 1081
trumpie2 1075
justtim07 1072
President DonaldJohnTrump 1062